Wednesday 29 August 2012

Inversion Tables - Tips for Finding the Perfect Inversion Table for You

I was feeling discomfort, to say the least. After a weekend of skiing the mountainside (including some fabulously executed falls directly on my butt) my back was in a world of hurt. I thought that a little aspirin and medicated ointment would take care of the problem, but in fact not very much changed after one week, then two. Apart from taking pain killers and visiting the acupuncturist three times a week, I was looking for a better solution to get some relief.
That's when a random search online clued me in to non-invasive options and I came across inversion therapy. I remember thinking "how cool is that!" - I could get help with the pain and have fun in the process (or at least as much fun as you can have with an aching back!) That was a few months ago, and I can honestly say that my back pain has subsided almost completely, only bothering me now when I sit too long or exert myself too much in the wrong direction. I know that my inversion table was a big part of the reason for that - so I thought it would be helpful to others if wrote about my experience and offered a few tips.
First of all, know that an inversion table is not the silver bullet for all problems. Some people I'm sure will not get as much benefit as others. That being said, inversion tables do work really well for a lot of people, me included. If you're just beginning your search for an inversion table now (I'm assuming you are, since you're reading this article), one tip I can recommend to you is to look for a table from a really solid manufacturer like Ironman or Teeter. A quick search online will reveal others. One key I think is to stay away from no name inversion tables, because I have read that they can have serious safety issues. You want to be able to get support from the manufacturer in case anything goes awry in the future.
Secondly, there are interesting options out there for infrared inversion tables. As I understand them, these devices use special materials which help to reflect your body's heat back to you, which aids in the healing process. So not only do you get the benefit of inverting to relieve the pressure on the lower back, you also get soothing heat to relax muscles and make the process all that more comforting. I have tried far infrared technology myself, and it is definitely worth looking into.
Well I hope this short article was informative and helpful to you in your search for an inversion table. While they may not work for everybody for back pain relief, they have helped a great percentage of people who have tried them. In addition, inversion tables are also a great fitness tool once you start feeling better. Even now I still keep mine in the living room - it's a fun way to exercise while I watch TV! I wish you the best of luck in your search.
Mark is known thoughout the online inversion forums as an expert on inversion products and accessories. If you're interested in learning more about finding an inversion table, one source is
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